Monday 16 August 2010

Taste Bite

So, I've jumped on the blogging band wagon and here it is. My first blog.
I realise it's title is a song by Biffy Clyro, but just so as you're aware my blog is not going to be a dedication to them. Who knows, I may end up writing an entry about them but that isn't what I set out to do. To be honest with you I don't know what I have set out to achieve with this blog... I imagine it will be a mix of my random witterings about things I like, things I don't and anything that takes my fancy really. Anyhooo, I hope you enjoy it and I hope I enjoy writing it!

P.S Okay, so maybe I'll add a picture of Biffy Clyro just to be polite...After all they are a great band ;)

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