Tuesday, 23 November 2010

My beautiful boy.

It's been  four years, but I still miss you as if it was yesterday.
Growing up you were my best friend, you made my childhood extra happy, and for that I'm eternally grateful. My memories are filled with times spent with you. Playing in the garden, water fights in the summer, the excitement you unleashed every Christmas and birthday, the way you used to snore, all these things and thousands more are stored forever in my mind.
I'd give anything to have you back for five minutes, to hug you once more and look into your big brown eyes.
I know you're not in pain anymore, and I know you're not suffering.
As long as we remember you, you continue existing.
You will always be a part of me and my heart will carry on loving you until it's last beat.

Saturday, 13 November 2010

Sometimes we just need to open our eyes to the beauty that surrounds us.

Tuesday, 9 November 2010

Love & Hate.

To truly hate someone, you have to love them deeply, I think. Hate is such a strong emotion which runs parallel with love. "There's a thin line between love and hate." We often talk of hate without fully understanding it's true meaning and without feeling it's full power, and it is of love we also speak of in that sense. To care about someone so much and put so much emotion, energy and time into hating that person, I don't see the point. Wouldn't the world be a nicer, better and happier place if we channeled all that passion into love?

Thank you for showing me the way

From the first time I saw you, I loved you.
The first time I held you, my heart melted.
The first time you clasped my finger and looked at me, I realised there was nothing I wouldn't do for you.
You're growing up and I'm not there to see you everyday, but know that no matter how far away I am, I will always be here for you and I will love you forever.

Never let me go..

At this moment in time there are 6,783,557,879 human beings in the world, give or take a few. Somewhere amongst the mass of souls is you. There is also another soul. One that you may not have even met yet. A soul that is going to be a huge part of your life. Someone who has the capacity to change your world forever. As strong as we think we are, at the end of the day, we all have a certain sensitivity about us. We will all find a person, or maybe various people, in whom we put our complete faith and trust. In doing so we give that person the power to make us happy and to create pain. We give them total control over our emotions. We most likely will have to sort through mounds of individuals until we find one who, not only we feel is worthy of having the key to our soul, but who believes we are able to keep theirs safe. And when your spirit combines with his completely, well, that's got to be worth the years of searching. Right?